免费试吃活动,如試吃後7天内訂餐, 可享受免費試吃。
請按左上角的 三條橫間 來參考我們網頁更多的資料。
If you need more details in English, please email us at info@yuezikitchen.com with your due date and zip code.
Yue Zi Kitchen was able to accommodate all of my needs including delivering freshly made meals everyday to San Jose. I was extremely pleased with their service and their meals were delicious! Yue Zi Kitchen is the best postpartum meal service in the Bay Area!
We are so glad to decide ordered the 40 days c-section yuezi meals, it's savior for me as a first time mum! We don't have to worry about the food for 40 days and the quality of food are guarantee to be healthy and nutrition balance. Instead of spending time worry what to eat, we can focus on taking care of our new addition. Thank you! And communication with them are a breeze!
訂了月膳小廚的月子餐,把坐月子的事交給月膳小廚,我真的很放心 - 也希望推薦給其他跟我一樣注重吃,也想要吃得安心的媽媽們!
服務週到,email回覆迅速。我是比較挑食的,大部分餐點都合胃口,他們亦願意遷就我避免不吃的食物。月子餐美味份量充足,吃出心思,有點像媽媽煮的家常菜!最後我還特地延長了meal plan! 推介!
I loved it. My wife loved the food with on time delivery. She was sayin, can’t even compare with the food from outside. It was clean, heathy, and home cook style. They provide very professional service.
我替我女兒訂了月膳小廚的月子餐,本來有點擔心女兒生長在美國,口味會吃不慣,但是一個月下來,新鮮的食材,加上很好的烹調,女兒吃得十分開心。份量和種䫋又多。他們的 customer service,也很親切,有特殊需求時,他們也是儘可能幫忙解決。